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My water is grey or cloudy

There are normally three reasons why the water in the spa becomes grey or cloudy:

  • Insufficient filtration. For best filtration we recommend our Sannra™ cleaning-free spa filters.
  • Too high pH or alkalinity - the water is not in balance.
  • Too much organic material from bathers - i.e. improper oxidation. Remember to shower before bathing!
1. Insufficient filtration
There are 2 reasons why the water is not sufficiently filtered. The first is that the filtration cycle is not sufficient, the second is that the filters are clogged.

Sannra™ washable spa filters

If you use washable spa filters, they should be cleaned every two to three weeks with a special detergent, filter cleaner. This agent dissolves grease but does not make it lather in your spa. Washable spa filters should be changed and discarded after 12 months at the latest.

Once the filter is clean, even the smallest particles in the water can be removed by adding flocculants.

Sannra™ cleaning-free spa filters

If you use these filters and experience insufficient filtration, it may be time to change the filter. Read more about these popular filters here.

2. PH value or alkalinity is not correct

- Adjust the alkalinity correctly as a first step. Increase the alkalinity by Alka Up (if it is too low) or reduce it by Alka Down (if it is too high).

- Measure the PH value (click here for test equipment selectionTry to stay in the range of 7.0-7.4.

Is the PH value too high? Buy PH-down!
Is the PH value too low? Buy PH-up!

A high pH value results in poor chlorine disinfection, skin irritation, limescale and turbidity.
Low pH results in aggressive water that wears out equipment and irritates eyes and mucous membranes. 

Alkalinity shows the amount of dissolved alkaline salts in the water, such as carbonates, bicarbonates and hydroxides.
Alkalinity is the water's pH buffer. - i.e. the greater the buffer, the greater the water's resistance to changes in pH.

3. Too much organic matter in the water - improper oxidation 

Once again we are reminded of the importance of showering before bathing. A person who has not showered "pollutes" 200 times more than a clean person who has just left the shower.

Shock treatment the water in the spa according to the dosage on the package. Appropriate shock chlorination is (di-)chlorine powder that SpaCare Minichlor. An excellent option is also Delphin Oxi booster which consists of di-chlorine powder and some oxygen.

If you want to shock-treat without chlorine, use instead SpaCare Spachock or Active Oxygen Granular.

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