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Article number: 101070

SmartTest/Scuba 2 Digital test instrument

1 499,00 kr

Stock balance: 5+

Stock balance: 5+

Scuba 2 ( Scuba II) / SmartTest Measures the water photometrically and gives you a digital result quickly and easily.

Measures: free chlorine, total chlorine, pH, cyanuric acid, alkalinity and bromine.

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Scuba 2/SmartTest is an effective digital testing instrument.

Scuba 2 (Scuba II) is our most accurate measuring instrument and is suitable for those who want the best test equipment. You easily analyse and measure pH, alkalinity, chlorine, bromine and cyanuric acid and as a result you can adjust and get the perfect bathing water.

Your new Scuba 2 comes with batteries and reagent tablets so you can start measuring immediately after delivery. The starter pack contains:

  • 20 DPD No.1 tablets
  • 10 pcs DPD No. 3 tablets
  • 20 pcs Penol Red tablets
  • 10 Alka-M tablets
  • 10 pcs CyA - test tablets

Operating instructions Scuba 2 - Scuba II

First you decide which value you want to measure. Then you just need to add water to the glass container and add the right test tablet to analyse the value.
After measuring, you need to clean your Scuba 2 but do not use solvents, soap or brushes for cleaning. Just rinse with fresh water. Careful!
scuba 2
Wipe the glass container with a soft cloth. and then let the container and Scuba 2 air dry.
Remove the batteries from the device if you will not be using the meter for an extended period of time.

Error in measurements Scuba 2

You can avoid measurement errors by following these instructions.

  • When measuring, you should only use test tablets with black writing.
  • Do not touch the tablets with your fingers but add the water sample directly from the pack.
  • When zeroing and measuring, make sure the lid is fully closed.
  • After testing, you must rinse the sample chamber, lid and stirring rod.

Want to watch a video about Scuba 2 in English? Then you just need to click here.

Recommended values

So you have to be careful with the dosage of spa chemicals and also control and regulate the chlorine, pH and alkali levels, which is best done with a Scuba II.

Recommended values:
Chlorine content 1,0-3,0 mg/l;
pH 7.0-7.4;
Alkalinity 80-120 mg/l.


You should change your bath water regularly, 3-4 times a year, and clean the spa itself. At the same time, you should clean the built-in pipework with SpaCare Biofilm Cleaner. Repeat this 3-4 times a year.
Then you change the filters or clean them thoroughly.

Find more care advice for hot tubs if you click here.

So video on how to measure PH with Scuba 2

Weight 0,316 kg


Test equipment

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